© 2022-2025 Pervaporation Modelling App. Denis Sapegin
Ideal Experiments Table
Registered Components
Permeance functions
Results Table
Initial Conditions
 General Information
Pervaporation Modelling App is designed to assist scientists, engineers and enthusiasts in modelling,
research and development of pervaporation processes. This tool will help you to model
parameters of pervaporation experiments such as component fluxes and permeances,
feed and permeate concentrations, selectivity and separation factor with the variation of initial
and current process parameters. All the calculations are performed by using a validated against real
experimental data algorithms [1]
inside the
PyVaporation (v1.2.0)
python package.
Don’t forget that this is a modelling tool, not a magic wand.
If you are using this software, please consider citing it in your research -[1]
Don’t forget that this is a modelling tool, not a magic wand.
If you are using this software, please consider citing it in your research -[1]
  Pervaporation Process
Modelling of a time-dependent pervaporation processes may be performed from the Process section
of a Modelling block. Process modelling provides the calculation of pervaporation process parameters
over process time. The calculations may be configured by specifying initial parameters and specifying
appropriate options for the calculation. You may save obtained models and share them with your
colleagues. The saved models also could be interpreted by and are compatible
with the PyVaporation (v1.2.0)
Membrane Selector
Select a membrane you want to use for the calculation, from the list of available membranes. -
Mixture selector
Select a mixture for the calculation from the list of available mixtures. -
Ideal/Non-Ideal switch
As you may already know, Pervaporation is a tricky process, where feed mixture composition may drastically influence components’ permeance values. Here you can choose if the calculation will consider permeance independent of feed composition - Ideal option(applicable if permeances of considered components do not change a great deal over the considered concentration range ) or will be a function of feed concentration - Non-Ideal option. In both cases, the calculation will be performed with an account of the influence of process temperature. Both modelling modes require slightly different experimental data - For the Ideal mode, the Ideal experiments table should be specified - a table with permeances of both components of the mixture at different temperatures indicated for the Membrane. For the Non-Ideal mode, you should have a number of components permeances at different feed concentrations and temperatures in order for the algorithm to fit them with the equation - referred to as the Diffusion curve set. -
Modelling Parameters
Time Steps Number
Indicate how many points you want to calculate for your model (the minimal value is 10). -
Time Step, hours
Set the time difference between each modelling step in hours -
The precision parameter is the difference in the permeate concentration after which the algorithm considers that the process parameters at a step were accurately calculated. The default value, which was established to be optimal for most calculations is around 5⋅10-5. If you want your calculation to be less precise increase this number, on the other hand, if you want a more precise calculation you can lower that down to as low as 0.1⋅10-5 (the influence of this parameter on the calculation results is discussed in detail here [1]). -
Isothermal switch
If the switch is turned on - the process is considered isothermal, so the feed mixture temperature will not change over the course of calculations. If the switch is off - the process will be considered adiabatic, and the algorithm will recalculate the feed mixture temperature at each modelling step based on the feed mixture evaporation heat, heat capacity and components’ fluxes.
Initial Conditions
Membrane area
The effective area of the membrane used for the pervaporation process. -
Feed Temperature
Initial temperature of the feed mixture - will not change over the course of the calculation if the Isothermal switch is on, and will be calculated if it is off. -
Feed Amount
When considering the time-dependent processes this is the initial amount of the feed mixture being separated. If you are trying to use the App to model the length-dependent process (such as ones inside the membrane module) you may indicate the mass flux of the feed mixture here, if you do so don’t forget to recalculate the modelled values to the dimensionless length of the module, and double check if such a trick is valid in your particular case (feed and retentate fluxes should not differ much). -
1st Component Fraction
Indicate the starting content of the first component of the mixture (if you are not sure which component is first - check the mixture card in the Materials library) in wt% or mol%.
Permeate Parameters
Here you can set either absolute pressure at the permeate side of your setup, or the temperature of the permeate condenser you use. If not set - the activity of penetrants in permeate will be considered - zero. Use the temperature setting only if the NRTL model is working fine at the chosen temperature, otherwise, you may end up with inaccurate results.-
Absolute pressure that you see on the manometer at the permeate side of the membrane. -
Temperature of permeate condensate (for example the coolant you use in your traps - if you are cooling with something below -20 oC consider leaving this field empty)
Non-Ideal Settings
Diffusion Curve Set selector
Select the diffusion curve set you want to use for the calculation. If you have sets measured at different starting feed concentrations consider choosing the one closest to the set initial feed concentration. -
Initial Permeances
If you use, let’s say a diffusion curve set measured for the membrane starting at 25% (1st component) in the feed, and you know that permeances of the components will be significantly different at the same feed concentrations if you would have started from 50% (1st component) in the feed - in these fields you may indicate the permeances of both components at 50% (1st component, starting concentration) in the feed and the algorithm will try to take membrane swelling into account, cool, right? It actually works pretty well - consider reading a more detailed explanation of this approach in our article [1]. -
You can choose the units of the set permeances - the 3 supported units are: kg⋅m-2⋅h-1⋅kPa-1, GPU and SI.
Permeance Function Parameters
By default the algorithm will fit the Permeance equation in a way to fit the experimental points optimally, but if you want to override it, here you can specify n and m values for each component.
  Diffusion Curves
In the Pervaporation context, we suggest referring to diffusion curves as functions of
pervaporation process parameters from feed mixture concentration. To model such functions
you may use the Diffusion curve section (image) of the Modelling (image) block. You may save
obtained diffusion curves and share them with your colleagues. The saved diffusion curves also
could be interpreted by and are compatible with the
PyVaporation package.
Modelling Parameters
Feed Temperatures
In the App, all the diffusion curves are considered isothermal, and here you may set the temperature of parameters calculation. -
Initial Composition, 1st
Set the starting feed mixture composition by indicating the first component content in wt% or mol%(if you are not sure which component is first - check the mixture card in the Materials library). -
Composition Steps Number
Like the case of process modelling you can set the number of calculation steps (minimal value is 10). -
Composition step, %
The size of the first component composition step in wt% or mol%
For the explanation of Ideal/Non-Ideal modes, Precision, Permeate Parameters and Non-Ideal modelling parameters block of calculation please consult the Pervaporation Process section.
  Fitting of Permeance functions
We got your back if you want to fit your experimental pervaporation data with an equation.
For these purposes, you may use the Permeance Fit section of the Modelling block. The algorithm will
take a diffusion curve or a simple three-column
(Download Sample Tables) .csv table and fit
it by finding optimal n, m parameters and coefficients
with the lowest Root Mean square deviation it can achieve. However, if you want to override the
optimal n, m search you may indicate them in Equation Degrees. You may pick the units of the
output permeance equation - the ones supported are - kg⋅m-2⋅h-1⋅kPa-1,
GPU and SI. If you are fitting permeance functions from a diffusion curve table
you may also specify the component of interest.
  Results review
You may display result sets, such as Process Models and Diffusion curves obtained with either
the PyVaporation package or
Pervaporation Modelling App. To do that just upload them in the
Results Review block (image).
Using Results Review for parameters calculation
The Results review section also may be used for the calculation of various parameters,
such as permeances, separation factor, selectivity and PSI. If the mixture specified in the
uploaded Diffusion curve table is added to the system, and feed compositions and both
corresponding components’ fluxes are specified the algorithm will calculate everything else
for you!
  Materials Library
The materials library is the place where you can manage your components, mixtures and Membranes.
There are some default materials you can use, which were created using experimental data from
reliable sources. To create your own membranes, mixtures and components you should log in to the
Pervaporation Modelling app. All the materials created by you are accessible only to you and are
considered private.
Default Membranes
Default Mixtures
Default Components
- H2O:
- MeOH:
- EtOH:
- DME:
- DMC:
- Acetic Acid:
- Cyclohexane:
- Benzene:
- Toluene:
The membranes in Pervaporation Modelling App are presented as a sum of their experimentally measured
characteristics. There are two main types of data which can be used to describe a Membrane in the
Pervaporation Modelling App - Ideal Experiments table and Diffusion Curve Sets. The Ideal Experiment
table may be used to specify the permeances of individual components
at different temperatures and could be used for the Ideal Modelling - a Membrane may only contain a
single Ideal Experiments table. Along with the Ideal Experiments table, a Membrane may also contain
a number of Diffusion Curve Sets - Diffusion Curve Set tables contain information on membrane
performance when separating a real mixture at different temperatures and feed concentrations and are
required to perform Non-Ideal Modelling. You can create a new membrane with one or both - an Ideal
Experiments table or a number of Diffusion Curve Sets. If more than one DC set is specified for the
membrane you can choose which to use when performing the calculations. You may download each table or
a whole Membrane from its card accessible from the Materials library, downloaded membranes may be used
with the PyVaporation package.
Mixtures in Pervaporation Modelling app are created from Components and a set of NRTL constants. For now,
only NRTL model is supported for the calculation of the saturated vapour pressures of the components.
You may calculate them directly from the Mixture card accessible from the Materials library if needed.
Components in Pervaporation modelling app are created using molecular mass, a set of
vapour pressure constants for Antoine or Frost equation and a set of heat capacity constants for
polynomial approximation of heat capacity dependence on Temperature. If you do not need the calculation
of Evaporation/Condensation heat during Process Modelling you may set all the heat capacity constants
to zero. You may calculate the Heat capacity, Evaporation heat and saturated vapour pressure of each
component directly from the Component card accessible from the Materials library if needed.